Vertical Vegetable Garden Ideas in 2023

Vertical garden is a super cool idea, if you love veggies and want to make a garden like vegetable party in your backyard then this exiting world of vertical vegetable garden ideas in this article is just for you.Vertical Vegetable Garden Ideas

Importance of vertical vegetable garden: Vertical Gardening is a special kind of urban gardening suitable to small spaces, particularly for decorating the walls and roofs in various styles.  You can be made from this garden tomato, cucumber, bottle guard, potato. Even, I also have a vertical vegetable garden on my backyard and terrace wall. Here are some fun ideas on vertical vegetable garden and create your own vertical space on your home.

Types of vertical vegetable garden Ideas

  • Salad Bar
  • Rainbow Wall of Herbs
  • Recycled Bottle
  • Creeping Vegetables on Ladder
  • Window  box wall

Salad Bar-A garden looks like salad bar. Easy to make, find some old containers, paint them very brightly and filled with soil. Plants radishes, carrot, spinach, lettuce. It’s like your own salad ingredients in your garden. Watering properly and every two weeks putting in to the soil liquid fertilizer.Vertical Vegetable Garden

Rainbow Wall of Herbs- Decorate your garden wall with rainbow colors. Get small pot and containers paint them with the help of all the colors of rainbow. Any herb can be used in wall such as basil, tarragon, mint, rosemary, thyme, parsley, and oregano. It looks as good as it smells.Vertical Vegetable Garden Ideas

Recycled Bottle- You can use old household plastic bottle to make a vertical vegetable garden, it’s looking creatively cool. Also saving money and reduce waste. Find some old plastic bottle, cut them half in and filled with soil. Put in plant seeds or small plants in each bottle. Set them vertically on the wall.Vertical Vegetable Garden Ideas

Creeping Vegetables on Ladder- One of the easiest ways to grow creeping vegetables vertically is on the ladder. Make a ladder with wood and sticks. Small plant or seeds are put in the each steps. It is also convenient to pruning, watering, and harvesting. It also makes the garden look interesting.Vertical Vegetable Garden Ideas

Window box wall- Easy to way, ordinary pots or window boxes is vertically on the wall. Paint them of the bright color before hanging. Plants like vegetable, herb and flower. Water them, give them sun, your plant will be awesome.Vertical Vegetable Garden Ideas

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