How To Take Care of Plants In Winter 2023?

Winter can sometimes be uncertain for plants.  How to Take Care of Plants In Winter?  At this time protect plants from the winter. There would be one day chilling temperature to enjoy warm sunshine and the other day no sunshine at all. As the weather changes, so do some changes in plant care. Dryness is very common during winter, just like as we can feel dryness in our skin and we use moisturizer to relieve dryness such plants also need some good care at this time.

Actually we have to take extra care of plants in winter. We don’t want to take shower every morning because of the cold weather outside likewise, plants do not feel the need for water everyday in winter. Here are some important tips which can help you to take care of plants in this winter.

Table of Content:

  • Give Less Water
  • Focus on Sunlight
  • Limit of Fertilizer
  • Wash and trim Your plant
  • Don’t change Pot
  • Shift Plants Away From Windows on Freezing Nights
  • Protect From Insect
  • Importance of Humidity
  • Don’t Worry to Leaf Drop


Give Less Water:  Don’t give too much water to the plant in winter. It can cause the death of the plants. If the same amount of water is given to the plant in winter as in summer, various diseases can occur in the plant.

Give less WaterSo caring for houseplants in winter it’s necessary to watering only lightly. If it is difficult to understand when to watering plant then check to see if the soil is moist about an inch below the surface If that layer has dried, then only go for watering or else skip it.

Focus on Sunlight:  sunlight is best for plant growth. Morning sun is beneficial for plants be it flowering or non-flowering. This is because the first light of the day not only helps the plants begin photosynthesis, but also sets the light-dark cycle. Artificial lighting can improve the quality of light plants receive, improving plant growth.

Limit of Fertilizer: In winter don’t need much fertilizer to your plants. If the plants is healthy, then skip fertilizing your plants.

limit of fertilizerIf you think they need some fertilizer, so make it as thin as possible before applying.  Wait till summers for that!

Wash and trim Your plant: It is very common that plants need a little care before winter. Wash the plants gently and trim them up before bringing them inside.

wash and trim you plantThe plants should be kept clean. Suppose dust has turn on the leaves of your houseplants, then it should be cleaned with a damp cloth, cotton or sponge. While doing this, one hand under the leaves of the tree and clean with your other hand so that the leaf is not broken.

Don’t change Pot: Repotting is difficult on plants and they need energy in winter. So hold off on repotting is best done in late winter or early spring.

Shift Plants Away From Windows on Freezing Nights: On very cold nights, don’t keep your plants near window. Move them to a warmer place in the room which protect your plant like a blanket cover. So, when it’s freezing, put your plants in a warm spot inside!

Protect From Insect: In winter, some tiny insects come on the plant. These insects can make the plants unhappy. But don’t worry! You can help your plant friends. Regularly, you have to check leaves. If any little bugs found, ask a planter for help. They might use special soap or spray to recover plant from bugs. Also, sometimes bugs hidden in the soil. With a little care, your plants will stay cozy and bug-free during the winter!

Importance of Humidity: Plants need humidity to be happy, just like we need water to stay healthy! Humidity is like a special kind of moisture in the air, and plants really enjoy it.

It’s like a cozy blanket for them. When it’s too dry, plants can feel a bit sad and thirsty. Humidity helps plants breathe and keeps their leaves from getting too crispy. So, it’s important to make sure our leafy friends have the right amount of humidity to stay pleased and green. It’s like giving them a big, leafy hug!

Don’t Worry to Leaf Drop: Sometimes old leaves are drop on plants but it is good for plant healthy new growth. Leaf drop due to less sunlight and weather changes during winter. Winter is a tough time for plant.

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